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MSEB Exam Pattern 2015 Notification & Recruitment Details

The Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) announces the recruitment examination for the selection of eligible candidates in the post of Assistant Programmers, Junior Programmers and Junior Engineers respectively through written exam and interview. The recruitment is announced through online modes in October every year for its constituent company MAHADISCOM (Maharashtra Electricity Distribution Company Limited).

Click here for latest Exam Details

The Maharashtra State Electricity Board was restructured as per the Electricity Act 2003 into the following four companies: MSEB Holding Company Limited, Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited, Maharashtra State Transmission Company Limited and Maharashtra State Distribution Company Limited respectively.

Maharashtra State Electricity Board Recruitment Exam:

The Maharashtra State Electricity Board conducts the written exam for the following posts:

Junior Engineer- appointed in the pay scale of Rs. 15,285- Rs. 36-965

Assistant Programmer- appointed in the pay scale of Rs. 15,285- Rs. 36,965

Junior Programmer- appointed in the pay scale of Rs. 14,225- Rs. 35,905

Eligibility for Post:

For appointment to the post of Junior Engineers, the candidates should have a degree in Engineering (B.E. / B.Tech.) from the concerned discipline. For appointment to the post of Programmers, the applicants should have degrees in either of the following: B.E. / B.Tech. / IT/ MCM/ M.Sc. / MSC/ B.Sc. IT/ Computer Sciences from any recognized universities of India for this purpose.

View more Engineering Job details

Selection Modes:

The selections for all the above posts will be based on the performance of the applicants in the written exam and interview respectively.

Application Formats:

The applications are invited online from the MSEB Website by paying Rs 500 in the form of the registration fee for all the unreserved candidates and Rs. 250 as the fee for all the SC/ST candidates in the form of Bank Drafts. The candidates should log on to the official website of the Maharashtra State Electricity Board or Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited for applying online.

Exam Pattern:

The candidates can download the pattern of exam from the official websites of the MSEB or MAHADISCOM for preparing to the concerned recruitment exams.

Click here for more information on the MSEB Recruitment