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SET Examination Pattern 2016

SET stands for State Eligibility Test authorized by the University Grant Commission (UGC) to the State Agencies or the State Governments to conduct the examination for the position of Assistant Professor provided, the MH- SET s duly accredited by the UGC. University of Pune is nominated by the government of Maharashtra to conduct the MH- SET Examinations.

The organization will start accepting the application form for SET 2016 from the month of June, 2016 and by the end of the month the procedure of application will be closed by the organization. The examination is conducted by the organization in the month of September.

Organization is willing to accept applications from all the applicants who qualify the eligibility criteria required for it. The pattern of examination of SET 2016 is given below –

Pattern of Examination (SET 2016)

The Examination for SET basically comprise of three papers via – Paper I, Paper II and Paper III. Two shifts are allotted for the three papers as the examination is supposed to be held on one day every year same as the examination for NET/ JRF. All the questions in the three set will consists of Object Type Question with Multiple Choices.

(I) Duration of Each Paper –

1) First Session (Paper I) – 1 and ¼ hours
2) First Session (Paper II) – 1 and ¼ hours
3) Second Paper (Paper II) – 2 and ½ hours

(II) Timing of Examination – 10 am to 12: 30 pm and 02 pm to 04:30 pm

(III) Total Number of Questions –

1) First Session (Paper I) – Total 60 questions (Only 50 questions must be answered)
2) First Session (Paper II) – Total 50 questions (All Compulsory)
3) Second Paper (Paper II) – Total 75 questions (All Compulsory)

(IV) Total Marks assigned on Each Papers –

1) First Session (Paper I) – 50 X 2 = 100 Marks (2 marks each for 50 questions)
2) First Session (Paper II) – 50 X 2 = 100 Marks (2 marks each for 50 questions)
3) Second Paper (Paper II) – 75 X 2 = 150 Marks (2 marks each for 75 questions)

For more details –

Official Website (MH- SET)