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Bank of Baroda Exam Pattern 2014 for the PO (Probationary Officers) Exam

The BOB (Bank of Baroda) conducts the recruitment exam for the Probationary Officers through the Common Written Exam, organized by the Indian Banking Personnel Selection every year in the months of September/ October respectively. The candidates who wish to participate in the concerned recruitment exam should go through the complete details of the paper pattern and qualifying marks criteria from the information as given here below.

Click here for Bank of Baroda Application Form Details

Name of Exam: BOB PO Recruitment Exam

Conducting Authority: Indian Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS)

Recruitment for: PO (Probationary Officers)

Eligibility for Exam:

The applicants should be graduation passed in any discipline from any nationalized universities recognized by the University Grants Commission for this purpose.

The qualifying age of the applicants appearing in the Probationary Officers Examination should be ranging in between 21 to 30 years respectively.

Paper Pattern:

The Bank of Baroda PO Exam shall be based on an objective type written test having questions of multiple choices on the following four sections:

Section I: Quantitative Aptitude

Section II: Reasoning

Section III: Socio-Economic and Banking Awareness

Section IV: English and Marketing Aptitude respectively

There will be 200 objective type questions to be solved in two hours time for the applicants. The Descriptive Test shall be based on questions in English Language like Comprehension, Short Precis, Letter Writing and Essay respectively to be solved in 1 hour.

Marking Scheme:

The candidates will be given 50 Marks per section for all the above sections stated above. The applicants qualifying in the written exam will be called for the next round of selection i.e. Interview. The candidates will be called for the interview on the basis of the cut off marks and merit obtained in the written exam. The Interview can be conducted along with GD (Group Discussion) subsequently after the written exam for all the short listed applicants in order to get finally selected in the post of PO.

The applicants who have given the BOB PO Exam have been already selected by the Bank for the current session i.e. 2014-15. The candidates can view their results online at the website of the Bank of Baroda at bankofbaroda.co.in.

Click here to get more details on Bank of Baroda Recruitment Exam 2014