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DUPGMET Exam Pattern 2014 Details of Examination and Qualifying Criteria

The Delhi University Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test (DUPGMET) is conducted by the Delhi University to provide admission to candidates in the different post graduate medical courses including the following: MD/ MS/ MDS respectively. The entrance exam is open for all the eligible medical graduates who wish to take admissions in the offered courses of the university concerned.

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The Delhi University Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test is conducted usually in the January/ February months respectively. The entrance exam is basically held in the first week of February for all the candidates. The exam for the current session has been already conducted and the results are expected to be announced by 25th June 2014. Given below are the details of examination including information on qualifying marks etc.

Name of Exam: Delhi University Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test

Conducting Authority: Delhi University

Courses of Admission: MDS/ MS/ MD

Eligibility for Exam:

The applicants should be graduation passed in medical stream which includes the following courses under it- MBBS/ BDS and one year rotating internship completed from any Medical Council of India/ Dental Council of India /University Grants Commission for participating in the concerned exam. The applicants who are presently involved in their internships may also apply provided they have permanent residence in Delhi.

Pattern of Exam & Qualifying Criteria:

The entrance exam for the Delhi University Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test is conducted in objective as well as subjective modes. There are basically two papers in the entrance exam. The Paper 1 shall have objective type questions to be solved in the given time frame while the second part of the paper shall consist of subjective questions on the following in Clinical and Para Clinical category.

There will be three parts in the first paper of entrance exam as follows:

Part A: Pre and Para Clinical subjects (Anatomy, Physiology, Bio Chemistry, Pathology, Micro Biology, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology)

Total Number of Questions: 30

Total Marks Allotted: 30

Click here for DUPGMET Admit Card details

Part B: Clinical Subjects (General Medicine, Peadiatric, Radio Diagnosis, Community Medicine, Pulmonary Medicine, Psychiatry, Ger Orthapaedics, Dermatolc & Leprosy, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology)

Total Number of Questions: 30

Total Marks Allotted: 30

Part C: Subject Specific Questions as per the course applied

Total Number of Questions: 60

Total Marks Allotted: 60

Total Number of Questions: 120 (30+30+60)

Total Marks Allotted: 120 Marks (the candidates will be penalized for the wrong attempts in the exam)

Duration of Exam: 1 Hour (Paper I) & 2 Hours (Paper II)

To get more details on the DUPGMET Exam Pattern, click here