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CSTT Admission Form 2014- 15

CSTT (Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology) was established on 1st of October, 1961 by a declaration of Indian Government, Education Ministry. The resolution of the Government was as per the recommendations of Committee constituted under the provisions of clause (4) of Article 344 of the Constitution. In order to meet its goals, the Commission requires the expertise and participation of teachers of schools, colleges, universities and technical institutions; scientists; research scholars, journalists, writers, officials, professionals and other scholars in various programmes organized by it in various parts of the country.

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The main functions of CSTT are –

To develop & describe scientific & technical terms in Hindi and all other Indian languages and publish glossaries, definitional dictionaries, encyclopedia; To see that the evolved terms and their definitions reach the students, teachers, scholars, scientists, officers etc; To make sure proper usage alteration/ essential / development on the work done (through workshops/ seminars/ orientation programmes) by obtaining useful feedback; To organize with all states to make sure uniformity of terms in Hindi and other Indian languages, (Through State Governments/ Granth Academies/ University Cells/ Glossary Clubs or other agencies); To issue / cheer publication of books in Hindi and Indian languages for popularization and usage of standard terms

CSTT Schemes and Programmes:

Preparation of national terminology

Preparation of English- Hindi technical dictionaries/ glossaries


Preparation of English-regional language technical dictionaries/

Preparation of trilingual glossaries

Preparation of definitional dictionaries

Identification of pan- Indian terms

Preparation of encyclopedias

Preparation/approval of departmental glossaries

Preparation of school-level terminology

Revision and updation of glossaries

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Scheme of production of university level books in Hindi and regional languages

Propagation, expansion and critical review of terms coined and defined

Production and publication of digests

Production and publication of monographs

Establishment of terminology clubs

Free distribution of publications

Production and publication of journals

Creation of database, website updation and maintenance

Sale of publications

Organizing exhibitions

How to Apply:

Enthusiastic aspirants may send their Curriculum Vitae or proposals of propaganda programmes are to be forwarded in the prescribed layout to the below given address:

The Chairman,

Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT),

Ministry of Human Resource Development,

West Block-7, R.K. Puram, Sector 1 ,

New Delhi – 110 066


The decision of Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, the Chairman is final. if having any doubts in regards to the rules & regulations explained or in case of any rule that has not been specified.

Students are requested to refer official website i.e. cstt.nic.in for more details related to the admission.

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