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How to Fix / Solve: Rainbow Six Siege Server Connection Error Code 3-0x0001000B

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How to Fix Rainbow Six Siege Server Connection Error

How to Fix Rainbow Six Siege Server Connection Error

News: Are you grappling with the server connection error code 3-0x0001000B in Rainbow Six Siege? If this error is preventing you from accessing the game, you’re in good company. Numerous players face this issue, causing interruptions in their gaming sessions. This article aims to assist you by providing step-by-step troubleshooting guidance to address the server connection problem.

Check Your Internet Connection

The occurrence of error code 3-0x0001000B in Rainbow Six Siege is frequently associated with an unstable or slow internet connection. Begin by verifying the functionality of your internet connection. Test this by accessing other websites or utilizing different online services to ensure that the problem is isolated to Rainbow Six Siege. If you encounter issues, consider implementing the following steps:

  • Turn off your router or modem, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on.
  • If the problem persists, you can reset your network settings on your device by going to the network settings menu and looking for an option to reset or restart network settings.
  • If you’re using Wi-Fi, try switching to a wired connection to rule out any potential wireless issues.
  • Restart your router or modem to refresh the connection.

Check For Server Outages

The error could potentially originate from Ubisoft’s side, so it’s prudent to investigate for any server outages, degradation, or ongoing maintenance that may impact connectivity. Consult the official Rainbow Six Siege Service Status page to determine if there are any ongoing server-related issues. Furthermore, explore third-party platforms such as Downdetector to review user reports regarding server outages or difficulties with Ubisoft Connect.

Verify The Integrity Of Game Files

Corrupted or missing game files can lead to the 3-0x0001000B error. If you’re playing on a platform like Steam, you can verify the integrity of the game files to ensure that all necessary files are in place and uncorrupted. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Steam client and navigate to your Library.
  2. Right-click on Rainbow Six Siege and select ‘Properties.’
  3. Click on the ‘Local Files’ tab.
  4. Click on the ‘Verify integrity of game files…’ button.
  5. Wait for Steam to complete the verification process.

Flush DNS

Flushing the DNS can help resolve issues with your domain name system cache that might be causing connection problems. Follow these steps to flush DNS:

  1. Press the Windows Key + R, type cmd, and press Enter to open the Command Prompt.
  2. Type ‘ipconfig /flushdns’ in the Command Prompt window.
  3. Press Enter and wait for the confirmation message indicating that the DNS cache has been flushed.

Contact Rainbow Six Siege Support

If none of the aforementioned steps prove effective, and the server connection error code 3-0x0001000B persists, it might be time to seek additional assistance. Reach out to Rainbow Six Siege support for personalized assistance tailored to your specific issue. Their dedicated team can offer more comprehensive troubleshooting and potentially address any underlying problems contributing to the error.

In conclusion, while the Rainbow Six Siege server connection error code 3-0x0001000B can be vexing, following the correct troubleshooting measures can lead to a resolution, allowing you to resume your gaming experience. Remember to assess your internet connection, monitor for server outages, verify game file integrity, perform DNS flushing, and contact Rainbow Six Siege support as necessary.


Q: What is the typical duration for resolving the server connection error?

A: The time required to address the server connection error varies based on its root cause. It is advisable to follow the troubleshooting steps outlined in this article and, if necessary, reach out to Rainbow Six Siege support for further assistance.

Q: Can the use of a VPN assist in fixing the error code?

A: While utilizing a VPN might occasionally aid in resolving connection issues, there is no guarantee that it will fix the Rainbow Six Siege error code 3-0x0001000B. It is recommended to explore alternative troubleshooting measures mentioned in this article before considering the use of a VPN.

Q: Does reinstalling the game rectify the server connection error?

A: Reinstalling the game can sometimes address issues related to game files, but it may not consistently resolve the server connection error code 3-0x0001000B. It is advisable to attempt other troubleshooting steps first before opting for a game reinstallation.

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