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What Is the Percentage of LGBTQ+ WNBA Players? Separating Facts from Myths

Post Last Updates by Ankit: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 @ 11:10 AM

The Sexual Orientation of WNBA Players

The Sexual Orientation of WNBA Players

News: The sexual orientation of players in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) has been a topic of ongoing discussion. In the 2022 season, it was revealed that a substantial 28.7% of players openly identify as LGBTQ, a percentage higher than that of the general population. This statistic sheds light on the diverse and inclusive nature of the league and reflects the broader societal conversation surrounding LGBTQ representation in sports.

“Illuminating the Importance of LGBTQ Representation”

Speculations and discussions about the number of LGBTQ players in the WNBA have circulated for years, but concrete data to substantiate these claims has been limited. However, the 2022 season brought more clarity to the situation. By considering players who have publicly come out, it was determined that nearly 29% of WNBA players openly identify as LGBTQ. While this percentage represents a minority within the league, it is a significant portion, particularly when contrasted with the general societal percentages of LGBTQ individuals. This statistic underscores the WNBA’s reputation as an inclusive and diverse sports league.

As of September 14, 2023, a total of seven WNBA players have publicly announced their LGBTQ status. This group comprises Seimone Augustus, Sue Bird, DeWanna Bonner, Natasha Cloud, Elena Delle Donne, Brittney Sykes, and Amanda Zahui B. Collectively, they represent approximately 32% of the total player count in the league. Their openness and visibility within the WNBA contribute to a more inclusive and accepting environment for LGBTQ athletes and fans alike.

The 2022 WNBA All-Star Game featured a remarkable 32% of the participating players who openly identified as LGBTQ. This statistic not only underscores the league’s dedication to inclusivity but also highlights that many of its top talents proudly identify as part of the LGBTQ community. The presence of these players in a high-profile event like the All-Star Game serves as a powerful representation and an affirmation of the WNBA’s commitment to diversity and acceptance within the world of professional sports.

“A Strong Advocate for LGBTQ Rights”

The WNBA has a longstanding history of being a trailblazer in championing LGBTQ rights within the realm of professional sports. In a significant milestone, back in 1997, it became the first professional sports league in the United States to sign a domestic partnership agreement with its players, showcasing its commitment to equality and inclusivity. Beyond the basketball court, the league continues to actively advocate for LGBTQ rights and has established partnerships with organizations such as GLAAD, further solidifying its role as a leader in promoting and supporting LGBTQ inclusion and representation in sports.

“Diversity and Challenging Misconceptions”

Contrary to misconceptions, it is important to note that not all WNBA players identify as LGBTQ. In fact, the LGBTQ identification among players in the league falls within a range of approximately 30% to 58%. The WNBA takes pride in its diversity, with players hailing from a wide array of backgrounds, including different races, ethnicities, and religions. This diversity enriches the league, contributing to its unique and inclusive character, and highlights the importance of recognizing the individuality and diversity of its athletes beyond their sexual orientation.

Claims that the diverse demographics of women’s basketball contribute to its lower popularity lack concrete evidence, especially when considering the upward trajectory of the WNBA’s popularity in recent years. The diversity within the league is a reflection of the broader society, and it enriches the sport by showcasing the talent and contributions of athletes from various backgrounds. The WNBA’s growth and increased fanbase demonstrate that diversity is not a hindrance to popularity but rather an asset that contributes to the league’s appeal and resonance with a wide and inclusive audience.

Candice Wiggins’ controversial claim that 98% of WNBA players were gay generated significant controversy and backlash. It’s important to note that Wiggins later admitted that her statement had no factual basis. Many current and former players within the league disagreed with her assertion, underscoring the significance of not perpetuating negative stereotypes and promoting an accurate and respectful understanding of the diversity of sexual orientations within the WNBA. This incident highlights the importance of responsible and fact-based discourse when discussing sensitive topics such as LGBTQ representation in professional sports.

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“Inclusivity and Being a Role Model”

In conclusion, while the precise percentage of LGBTQ-identifying WNBA players may vary, it is evident that the league is firmly committed to inclusivity. The WNBA’s unwavering dedication to diversity and LGBTQ rights sets a noteworthy example for other professional sports organizations, emphasizing the importance of creating an inclusive and accepting environment for athletes of all backgrounds and sexual orientations.


1. How many WNBA players have publicly identified themselves as LGBTQ+?

As of 2022, 28.7% of WNBA players publicly identify as LGBTQ.

2. What assertion or statement did Candice Wiggins make?

Candice Wiggins claimed that 98% of WNBA players were gay, but she later admitted that her claim was without factual basis.

3. How many openly LGBTQ players participated in the 2022 WNBA All-Star Game?

In the 2022 WNBA All-Star Game, 32% of the participants identified as LGBTQ.

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